How I GOT MY RIGHT SPLIT {5 things Dance has taught me}

4:42 PM

GUYS I DID IT. I FINALLY, FINALLY, (whispers) FINALLY got my right split. After all the butterfly stretches and toe-touching and video watching and trying and hurting and pain and Wednesday nights at dance....I DID IT.

It took me about half a year, stretching almost daily (some days I missed *smirk*). But I know that if you stretch for over an hour each day you could probably get it in a few months. It's just the ultimate feeling to finally have the splits!! Now to get my left...haha.

The two main exercises that gave me my right split are the butterfly, and such things like touching my toes and the hurdler stretch. And by putting one leg in front of you, bent at the knee, and the other straight behind, lifting you from the ball of your back foot and pushing with your hands from your knee, you can easily obtain splits. Make sure you are warm before trying this; never keep going of it hurts abnormally.

I've learned so much from dance. Not just techniques or moves. It has a way of keeping you both humble and making you proud, exciting you and disappointing you. During these trials, with prayer, I'm daily trying to balance the levels of my expectations and humbleness. Please learn a little from my mistakes *awkward cringing*.

#1 Stay Humble. Always.

You may be thinking, "How could I not?" but trust me on this, when you've been thinking yourself the clumsiest dancer in the class, and suddenly you have a front-and-center position, it's hard not to rejoice. All at once you realize, that, maybe you aren't so absolutely clumsy. Being prideful, even just the tiniest bit, messes you up in so many ways
First, you expect to have some good feedback. *Laughs*. Dance is thee worst place to think that way. You are constantly being judged by your classmates and your teacher, no doubt. Even if they don't mean to. But dance is about always learning, and once you are complacent, you don't push yourself as hard as you need to.
Second, when you know you have a ways to go, you can learn better. Just a pure n' simple fact.

#2 Be satisfied with your best

Often times we get frustrated from not being as talented or good as we wish we were. This is not being humble anymore, this is merging into ungrateful territories. Remember, dance, just like drawing (or anything else for that matter) takes time. Your not just going to walk into class on your second week and astound everyone. To be better takes work, and lots of it. But there is a balance between stress-working (where you want to do better right now) and practicing. You have to push yourself with dance to get further. It's an art that strives for perfection. But always try your hardest with joy, thankfulness, and humbleness. Don't over-work all at one once, you could hurt your body. Be patient and try your hardest over time.

#3 Calm your nerves

My introverted side has yet to conquer my nerves. In front of the dance teacher, no matter how stupid it may seem, sometimes we just lose our nerves. Because dance teachers aren't always soft-spoken. Nervousness is hard to overcome, but, when you take a deep breath, a silent prayer, and realize it's no biggie, you can dance to your full potential. Worrying and anxiety weigh you down like you have cement on the bottom of each slipper. Try to workout before you come to class, maybe for a half an hour, and that may help. After all, dancers don't just have to do the moves, but remember coordination and order. Nervousness makes a wreak of that.

#4 Practice makes perfect

Practice. Trying to get the final result, trying hard as one can. Truth be told, when I first came to dance this fall, I was inflexible, clumsy, and unknowing of most ballet terms. But you know why I can see that? Because I've learned now. I'm nowhere near perfect (oh gosh no) but, whereas I was so far from the splits, off balance, and could just touch my toes, I can now (trumpet music) complete a right split, occasionally get a double pirouette on my right, and grab both hands on the other side of my feet.
Trust me, people, practice makes perfect. Don't lose hope.

#5 Pray for pirouettes

That's right folks, praying can apply to dance. Often times people seem to doubt praying for small things, like dance, accomplishments, hobbies, etc. But if it's the desire of your heart, and pleasing to God, why shouldn't we pray for it?? Matter fact, this is the most important of all the facts I've learned through dance. God has taught me so much about myself, and the flaws I have that I constantly need to check. I've learned not only some decent French, some moves, but somethings about myself. We are, in a way, like dance. always moving to the tune of life, falling sometimes and spinning others. We have to balance ourselves. And the barre of life is God.

There ya go! I hope you all are having a perfectly splendid early spring day, and that in any small way I can just maybe help your dancer brain and splits with the simple tips above.

You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness
-Psalm 30:11 

Have you conquered the dreaded splits?

What are your dance-class tips?

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12 Sticky notes

  1. Congrats on mastering those splits! My sister is great at ballet, and she can do all kinds of splits. I have no clue as to their names or anything ballet related, but I know that it's beautiful and crazy hard. You ballerinas are awesome. =)


    1. Thank you Micaiah! Really? That's so cool...she must have a longer dance career then ;) ? Haha and NO ONE seems to get the crazy hard part! Aww, thank you girl. Your awesome too xP

  2. DUDE YOU DID IT *flails* and OMW YOUR GORGEOUS HAIR it's so cute!! <33

    1. *flails along* AHHH SARAH I DID IT!!! Aww Sarah dear ;) thank youuuu <3

  3. Woohoo!!! Yay! I'm on my journey to the splits it's lot of work and sometimes you become unmotivated but I'm determined! So proud of you for getting to the splits!! Super fantastic!!

    1. Really??? That's so cool we are both on the 'split journey' (haven't got my left quite yet and still a ways from my middle)! I can be hard to motivate oneself, especially when what your doing takes strength and sweat.

      Keep at it girl, you got this!

  4. Ahh Congrats, that is so cool!

  5. Awww. I've always wanted to take dance! But sadly, I've never gotten the chance. :/ I can do the splits though! I do yoga a lot. It's such a wonderful feeling when you can finally /do/ it! *high fives*

    1. That's too bad. Actually, if you were still interested in learning some basic dance/ballet, you could do it at home with Lazy Dancer Tips. I use her all the time, and, if you did end up going to a dance school, you would be prepared. I'm not sure whether she is a Christian, etc, but as far as technique and learning, she is the best I've found on youtube.

      WOW!! IKR??? The best accomplishment *high fives*

  6. Congrats on getting your split! I am a dancer as well and I loved reading this. XD



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