WHY I WANT TO GO TO ENGLAND and why you do too

4:25 PM

Since I was a wee lass, I've been reading the Chronicles of Narnia. Watching Peter Pan. Winnie the Pooh. British accents all 'round. When I began to grow up (dear me it's a trap. I'm not even joking) I started to read Jane Austen, watch British films, and happily indulge in the quirkiness of the Great British Baking Show (as I quoted to Dad, the difference between Americans and Brits is the "knitty gritty" and "needy greedy"). I also learned I'm at least 15% British...and I'll hold on to that with every cup o' tea. This American girl has a board full of England travels on Pinterest. So no, the following are dreams and not my own pictures besides the watercolors; but someday, someday.

So...why do I exactly have this thing for everything British?

Castles. Castles everywhere

I'm a fantasy girl. Castles, knights, old fairy tales and old books. Old church graveyards with mossy old tombstones. America, however amazing things she does have, does so not have the castles. I mean LOOK AT WINDSOR. The history!! And all those amazing Pinterest-y photos of Big Ben, the London Bridge, little rolling meadows in fall. Ahh. These are the true consequences of Jane Austen, people. 
Basically, the older the better. Medieval or Victorian...it's a castle. And castle is just a synonym for adventure.

The best accents world wide...just ask the new Star Wars.

AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO NOTICES DISNEY'S FREQUENT USE OF BRITS?? And it's the best because British accents are...the best. Period.
For instance *cough* *cough*
Americans can say "splendid" but it doesn't sound "absolutely splendid!" like only a Brit can say.
EVERY song in The Sound of Music wouldn't be as cute as they are if they weren't sung by Julie Andrews, and her classically British singing.
You can try and be deadly factual when you are debating someone, but if you don't have that cutting 'matter-of-factly' Brit tone, it's no use.

British Lit. I.e, the birth place of great fiction.

I basically only read British literature. Okay...I mostly read British literature. Matter fact, most of my favorite authors aren't American. And aren't alive. I'm getting off topic
When you really think about it, Americans are EXTREMELY influenced by England. Sometimes I wish I could have a 'fortnight' in Jane-Austen era England. You all wanna come along??

Think about it for a moment. Let it sink in. Do you have an old form of a British accent 0_O ?

The royalty and their little ones

Okay so I'm not obsessed with royalty. I just google them every once and awhile and 'awe' over the cuteness of George. Look up 'Prince George' right now and you won't regret it...his cover photo for google is the bestest thing.
Plus, most of Princess Kate's style is worth copying. For the most part, she wears lots of modest outfits that are supremely adorable. With class.
And their royalty...so their a few generations down from Queen Victoria...*MIND BLOWN*

Do you dream of England??

Do you sing 'Raindrops on Roses' with an accent (like me)?

Is 'the young Victoria' one of your fave films?

Anyone remember how Christopher Robin used to say "Silly Bear"?

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23 Sticky notes

  1. Ok I so want to go to england as well for basicly the same reasons!! The architecture and the culture and the history and everything! It's kind of awesome. :)

    Nabila // Hot Town Cool Girl

    1. Yaayyy! CASTLES. OLD CHURCHES. AHHH. And all the British-like cute words xP

  2. I miss England so much!! It is rather gorgeous but it does rain a lot!

  3. Although I'd take the cold weather over steaming hot Aussie summers

    1. HAVE YOU BEEN TO ENGLAND??? Omygoodness I'd love to talk about your time there.
      I've heard it rains a lot...plus Jane Austen describes the weather quite a lot (tho that was a bit ago, things might change!) So amazing you were there <33

  4. Well, I live in the UK and I guess us humans just don't appreciate where we come from? It is refreshing to see a blog post like this on what tourists see! :)

    1. Haha I guess so! That is SO COOL. Lol well yes I suppose I am a 'tourist' of a sort XD Someday I hope to be a real-to-goodness tourist but we'll see what the Lord wills ;)

  5. Yep, we seem to have the same reasons. I actually have a layover in London this May, but what I really want to do is wander around ruins in the countryside... oh well.

    1. AHHH. I had no idea everyone seems to have been/going to Europe! Where are you traveling to (if you don't mind me asking)? Sounds like fun tho. At least you'll get the chance for a good cuppa tea, right?

  6. Although I'm a true American Yankee girl, down to the core, I've always wanted to visit England. :) Sherlock Holmes! You can just imagine him walking down those streets. <3
    oh, incidentally, most of the Wests (my Grandma's side) are true-blue English, going all the way back to King Henry the... Eighth? I believe. My sister is much better with family lineage. lol
    But we have a lot English royalty in there. We are always joking that the Queen is our cousin...which she may be. :D

    1. (*smiles bc I can be a Yankee with a baseball cap some days too)
      You can imagina almost any British Lit character walking down the streets in England, sayin' 'Cheerio', can't you??
      NO WAY.
      WOAH. I would be super (too much, actually xD) excited if I were you! Free passes to Windsor, LOL xD. Actually I may have some heritage to George Washington on my Mom's side. So I'm sorta the Yankee part of that, hehhee :D.

    2. NO way! George Washington! That's way too cool. *Frowns because Washington was a way better man than King Henry* ;)
      Lol seems most of my famous relatives weren't exactly something to boast of.... Jesse James is another one. *cough* but we haven't been able to prove that relation. Yet. It's just as family story for now.
      BUT one relative I have that I am proud to claim is Sir Thomas West, who sailed the ship The Deliverance to bring supplies to starving Jamestown.
      He is also known as Baron De La Warr, which the state of Delaware is named after! Isn't that the coolest?

    3. LOL but aren't family stories just the best??? I know on my Dad's side were from Ireland, and there IS a webpage about our family tree all the way back into about the...1700's?
      WOW you've got so many famous relatives!!! That's so cool ;) A married-in relative of our family was Shirley Shahan, who made a huge splash in womens drag-racing. She was also on What's My Line :D
      I love Delaware!!! Every year me and the fam go to Bethany Beach for vacation *happy sighs*.

    4. I just love reading up on family lineage! 💗
      It's so cool to see all the history that took place, and how your ancestors had a part in it. :)
      I love that show! I love watching the old black and white clips from the fifties/sixties, especially with all the mystery guests.
      But, goodness, I'm just filling up your blog with my blabbing. Lol

    5. Ahhh you watch What's My Line? Too!!!!! YES because I know some actors/actresses only 60 year olds do xP. I Love Lucy, Andy Griffith, Green Acres, Beverly Hillbillies...classics <3

      Hehee lol I like it! Come back an' we can have another long chat ;)

  7. AHHH this makes me want to go to England!! Great post <3


  8. I so so want to go to England too!

    1. Yes!!! There needs to be a round trip magic air balloon for that :P

  9. I want to go so bad! I actually was looking up how much it would cost to go lol. I will make it happen one day. *nods*
    Your artwork is amazing! I want it now XD

    1. Haha IKR!! LOL I'm actually constantly looking up flights...like the price is going to change or something xD.
      Aww thanks girl! That's incredibly sweet <3

  10. Happy belated Birthday Michaila, I will call today!! Love you


Have you been to Europe?

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