NEW ART w/ WATERCOLORS // Mic's Room is no more = a NEW BLOG NAME

3:04 PM

Sooo...your favorite Irish blogger girl missed St. Patrick's Day. I had high hopes of green fashion and doing a Celtic knot in my hair.
Unfortunately, I came down with a head cold and came to the realistic point of a bobby pin with a green ponytail tied in a bow and stuck in my hair. Yeah. I know, sad.

I also missed my posting day, so here's to saying "Let's start over" with a bang. I CHANGED MY BLOG NAME. Don't feel lost, 'cause your still in the right place. This was Mic's Room.
The Wonderkept Life. Classy, cute, and o' so me, it defines my life in a sentence. I always seem to be 'Kept with Wonder' over something, some feeling, some amazing show of God's power. Wonderkept is a me-designed word for all the beauty I see in life--and everything pure and lovely comes from above. I had wanted to change my blog name almost from the moment I named it. 'Mic's Room' was bound to be temporary because it t'was not creative enough.

Well, now we've gotten creative. And why Wonderkept?? Because we are in wonder.

Do you all like my new blog name?

How did you celebrate St. Patrick's Day?

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18 Sticky notes

  1. EEP I LOVE YOUR NEW NAME. *squeals* And those watercolors are lovely!!

    1. EEPPP THANK YOU SARAH <333 *squeals together*. Thank you :D watercolors are in my top #5 fave hobbies list ;).

  2. YOUR BLOG NAME *flails*. I LOVE The Wonderkept Life (also I want to make wonderkept a part of my vocabulary now xD). It's gorgeous and I ADORE IT. <3 <3 <3

    ~ Savannah

    1. YEEE *high five* thank you for liking it as much as I do <3. IKR??? I should use it and just ignore spellcheck alll theee waaaay. AHHH SAVANNAH THANK YOU <333

  3. I LOVE THE PHOTOS LOVE THE NAME EEEEEEEEEPPPPPP you're fab and sorry for being such a goofy person who bothers you when you're talking to my little sister on the phone (more like sorrynotsorry but hehe)

    1. *EPPPS JUST BECAUSE* Thank ye Julia mwa BFF's sister xD :P. LOL nice piano solo, btwww. Nope I'm used to it I had a brother you know XD.

  4. Love the name <3 congrats!!


    1. Thank you s'much!! I'm so thrilled everyone seems to like it <33

  5. GIRRRLLL. your banner and new name are to die for - I just love and your blogging style is so gorgeous and so you <33

    1. GIRL THANK YOUU <333 Aww Sarah I'm legit so happy to finally like my blog name xD

  6. Such a cute new blog name and super cool watercolor!

    Nabila // Hot Town Cool Girl

    1. Thank you Nabila! I've been wanting to change it for so long ;) I might do one watercolor post every month or so now...not sure.

  7. Hey, Mic! I got your comment on my blog and thought I'd respond here too.

    Anyway, thanks very much for inviting me to be in a cabin with you guys! I'm actually already in a cabin with some fellow in-real-life NaNo friends. But thank you very much for asking, and good luck with camp!

    Thanks again, dear!

    1. Hey Grace ;) thank you sa' much for coming over here! Fortunately I saw your comment ;) sorry, I should have replied (busy life lately XD).
      I hope camp goes splendid for you, girl!

  8. Eeeep I love it! Wonderkept is such a perfectly fantastic word. And your watercolors OH MY GOODNESS such gorgeousness.

    1. Hannah xD thank you!!! You are welcome to use it as frequent as you wish, lol. AHHH TOO MUCH THANK YOU xD

  9. Yay! I love the new name. I was just looking at the splits post and I was wondering who's blog this was. I GOT IT NOW!

    1. Yay x2! I'm so happy everyone seems to like it :) LOL didn't the over-excessive watercolors tip you off?? Hehee.


Have you been to Europe?

Thank you for your beautiful comments (I respond) <3333