
Or, in other words, Michaila Janae.

Michaila is a fifteen-year-old blogger/writer/reader/singer. She started writing fiction at the age of 7, began singing (well, she doesn't remember when) young, and reads old books that interest her...if the author isn't living, she probably knows who it is.

She prefers food to be ice cream or chocolate, accents British, words French, water salt, weather thunderstorms, sentences divine, and description lengthy. She is, in reality, a mermaid. Only in the past few years has she been learning to become an extrovert from an introvert.

As well as writing, Michaila accepted Jesus into her heart at 6 years old. She could not live without Him; if you follow her blog, be warned that posts often circulate around her Savior, and inspiration comes from her Creator.

Who am I?
just a girl with too many hobbies to count, dreams that often block out reality, and words that add up far too quickly. As a little girl believing in Peter Pan, as a teenager lamenting over Laurie being refused by Jo. Constantly singing, though the neighbors can hear, embarrassing myself at the barre because it's what is done best there. Dreaming of a ticket to England, yet terribly afraid of being on a plane.

Join me on this journey; it'll be awfully fun.

the Wonderkept life was started with the purpose of sharing the tidbits of awesome un-realness with the world that God has created in so many places. Those lost flyleaf pages jotted with inspiration so vivid and celestial that we can only stare in awestruck wonder. My chief inspiration, my dreams, and my hopes for the future come from these...and so I believe that through the unfathomable beauty of the Lord, we may catch a glimpse of what makes us Wonderkept.

Be wonderkept with me, mateys.