playing in BEAMS of LIGHT {Ballet tie-up sandals and natural colors}

12:56 PM

Spring is the best time of year around here. The view, the clothes, the scents, the food (which, of course, I mean by ice cream). Lately I've been going for natural, we are not going to discuss the electric hot colors I wore in my pre-teens *hu-hu*.
I can't tell you HOW BADLY I wanted a pair of lace-up ballet flats. Unfortunately, I either didn't find a pair, didn't have the money to spend, or, didn't like the style of the ones I saw.

Then, we all packed up and went to Old, Town, VA, for a day (it was beautiful...I saw a real-to-goodness steamship with those wheel thingies and it was yellow and white. We ordered a pizza at the Wholefoods there and it took an hour no kid and we hadn't eaten for 6 hours so I had a foot long piece. Wholefoods makes huge pizzas, alright, don't judge) on the way home I saw a cute pair, bought them on clearance for $18.00, and took 'em home. Easy-peasy.
Now to get used to the point.

Shirt Hummingbird (T.J Maxx)
pants Plugg (thrifted)
Shoes Report (T.J Maxx)
bracelet Hobby Lobby 
Necklace Dandylion Shoppe (made by myself!)

Are you a Maxxinista too?

Have you ever eaten at Wholefoods?

Do you 'play' in sunbeams?

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12 Sticky notes

  1. omw I love these pics!! and hahaha you went to hobby lobby - isn't it awesome?? seriously girl, you are darling <33

    1. Ahhhh Sarah thank youuuuuu. ahahaha all the talk about Hobby Lobby WAS NOT exaggerated ;P aww <3 you are so sweet ;)

  2. Replies
    1. THANK you so much ;D I actually just got it cut...even tho you can't really tell, lol.

  3. Your hair is gorgeous <3 and I love the shoes!


    1. Thank you so much Ellie! YES aren't those shoes just the bestest??

  4. Cute shoes! And yes, I agree with the others that your hair is so pretty! :) Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like it would be so much easier to put up. My hair is really straight, and it's kind of hard for me to do cute buns and such. Might be that I'm unskilled, but I think it slips easier too. ;P

    1. Thank you thank you!!
      Ummm...I'd say that it is perhaps easier to put up meaning that it won't slip out as bad, but then it KNOTS and firizzes much easier than straight hair might xP combing it can take a bit, lol.
      Oh, and btw I wanted to say thank you for tagging me all that while ago. I really don't do tags anymore, but I still appreciate that you thought of me ;). It was about after that sometime I stopped doing them.
      Thanks for commenting!

  5. Ooh your shoes are adorable! So pretty and feminine. :)

    1. The point just makes them so delicate...doesn't it?? Thank you--I like them SO much <333


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