May Inspiration \\ WATERCOLOR eyewitness = How colors add everything

8:30 AM

Some art projects need color; some, absent of different tones, are barely anything at all. Like a small sketch.
Do you know something crazy? We will never be able to imagine another color.


I always like to think that in heaven, those colors we can never imagine are there.
When you think of reminds you that earth, all that we know, it's beauty and peace, joy and life, are all a small sample of what's waiting for us.

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."
Ecclesiastes 3:11

We cannot fathom.That's a great line to remember when life feels like a dead weight.

>> Here each of these are left without color-simplicity, tones, mixed between white and black. The imagination fills in what lacks in color. With black and white we have a wonder, a sort of unspoken power that makes us think more. 

Do you prefer to create art in color or black and white?

Have you ever wondered what impossible things are in heaven?

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6 Sticky notes

  1. Gorgeous, I love all of your art! Yes, I've wondered about different colors being in heaven. There are probably so many things we can't imagine that will be heaven.

    <3 Pip

    1. Ahhh thank you!!
      Yes...something and somewhere to dream about and look forward to forever :D
      (Pip is such a cute name btw)

    2. By the way, I tagged you for the Liebster Award. You can read all about at my blog, if you like.

    3. Thank you so much!
      I don't think I'm doing tags...for right now, but I really appreciate the fact that you all thought of me <333

  2. These are so cool!


Have you been to Europe?

Thank you for your beautiful comments (I respond) <3333