Easy Tips + Habits to ENCOURAGE SLEEP and help you wind down at bedtime

12:44 PM

On weekends it doesn't matter when we hit the pillow. What matters is the popcorn that's left in the kitchen, the new Disney movie your fam is about to play, and laughing till you can't breathe.

But then there comes the week, when school starts up again, and someday (despite your chillax homeschool schedule) you have to jump out of bed at 6:00 a.m and get in the car. This is when sleep matters.
I have this terrible habit of knowing when I need sleep and subconsciously making it harder to do so. Like, "Alright, if I go to sleep right now I'll get these many hours in". I've literally restricted myself from looking at the clock before. It's sort of a bad habit that comes and goes.
So, in my night-time exploits, I've learned a couple humble, wee-bitty little habits that make it easier to just literally stop thinking. And if you are like me, then hopefully these will help you get in some more ZZZ's as well. They are super simple, but handy in their own way.

Drink a cup of Chamomile

Chamomile tea is known for its relaxing qualities, which, if drank warm, not only calm me down but help me sleep way better. A good cup of hot tea, while watching your fave episode of Little House with a giant big hoodie is a sure way for sleepiness. I like to drink mine a good hour or 1/2 hour at least before bed, tho. Chamomile also lightens hair, apparently, so I've been spritzing some on my curls and sitting in the sun for the past few weeks. I see some changes (not much, however), and I'll most likely make a whole post on my personal review in the future. Chamomile tea also tastes good. And it's a great excuse for using that cute new mug you just bought.

Read Some Words

When I'm up late at night, I grab a book and read till I get bored with it. Sometimes this works...just don't pick up a super exciting book, okay?
Reading also helps me when my brain just decides to say, 
"I'm gonna stay awake till 'bout 3:00 a.m, K? And remind you of stupid and embarrassing things you did and how you could have avoided them."

Yeahhhhh. Not exactly fun. So reading a book, or writing some words to just get it out, or talking to Mum or a sib (my new super cool term for sibling oh yes I did) could possibly be the easiest way to wind down when your brain wants to have a party. Again, I've been awake late, picked up a far too fascinating book and realized that I was not drifting off but rather getting absolutely engrossed. Caution. Maybe you don't own a boring book. Try a Dictionary or Thesauras then. Or Psalms (personally I'd stay away from the rather emotional ones at 3:00 a.m, tho. Don't want to stir crazy dreams).

Count a Couple Blessings

Mom is always telling me to pray when I can't sleep and think of everything I should be thankful for. This truly works. You will literally never run out of blessings, so, if your laying in bed and just start at the easiest thing you can remember and keep on going, then you've hit a good path. Likely you won't make it far before you drift off. 

Relax before Bed

I noticed that if I sit around and relax for about an hour before, I get tired/uncomfortable and want to sleep more. Using this logic *taps head* you can have a good time of doing absolutely nothing to make you uninterested in....well, being awake. And interested in, well, sleep. If you get your blood pressure up high before you jump in bed, chances are it will take some time to calm down. While working out in the day is A-okay, I, at least, find that anything more than a simple stretch before bed is just too much.

Try it. It calms you till you might just doze off right then and there.

Stretch it Out (in the daytime)

(ignore this last minute photo please xP) 
Alright, let's be honest. We all don't like to work. But sometimes working/stretching/exercising has amazing benefits we aren't realizing, like it makes you COMPLETELY TIRED till the point where you hardly reach the pillow with exhaustion. If you get in some exercise, some planting, some push-ups or jumping jacks, or maybe just some good 'ol sweat, you'll find going to sleep isn't as hard as you remembered it was. 

Force yourself to do a good plie (or a grand plie...) or research some stretches. Get into a butterfly position and work on getting those knees all the way down, or, if they already are, lean forward and sit your elbows on the ground. Basic stretches like this, including hurdler stretches, the heel stretch, Round de Jambes, or just...jumping jacks, will get some energy out so that by nightfall, your body is tuckered out. Always exercise with caution; if it hurts more than it should, just stop.

Braid your Hair

I have been braiding my hair before bed (or Mom has...or both) for goodness, years. Braiding your hair before sleep has 2 positives...1 you have beautiful soft waves when you wake up, and 2 it keeps hair out of your face (yes I know, but, when you have a whole buncha hair, you'll know what I mean). If you take a shower and then braid it, get ready for extra curliness in the morning. A French braid is better because if you toss at all, it keeps your hair less frizzy. Although around your head it is bound to get that way with much turning, whereas a good braid will stay smooth and shiny.

Have you tried to naturally lighten your hair?

Have you tried any of the above?

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12 Sticky notes

  1. Great ideas! I especially like the one about counting your blessings. :)

    "I'm gonna stay awake till 'bout 3:00 a.m, K? And remind you of stupid and embarrassing things you did and how you could have avoided them." -- Oh my goodness, this happens to me too, and it's SO frustrating! Either that, or I start having all these creative ideas that I would have much rather come up with during the day, haha. :)

    1. Thanks Molly! :D Yep, I'd say that one is the best.

      UGH, IKR?? And you cannot go to sleep for anything. Praying + reading helps with that. LOL, I forgot to put that! It seems like you always have the best ideas/remember the quirkiest things you forgot RIGHT before you fall asleep.

  2. Oh yes, sometimes thinking keeps me awake for forever! I'm like, "Stop thinking!" ;P
    Sometimes singing in your head helps. :) I like reading at night too, but that doesn't exactly make me ready to go to sleep. Instead I just keep turning the pages, and end up staying up too late. ;P

    1. You get to wishing your brain would be as tired as you are XP

      Haha, every now and then I pick the wrong book that's far too exciting to help me calm down, but instead keeps me up.

  3. oooh interesting tips! i like doing the tea and book idea. i need to try some of the others!

    1. We writers, I think a great percentage of us, are born with tea and books in us

  4. I always read to try to fall asleep, but I've never tried any of these other ways!

  5. Falling a sleep is always difficult, I've read a couple articles mentioning that not using any device e.g iphone, laptop, TV can increase quality of sleep so well that you wake up as fresh as a daisy!

    1. I've heard of that to, now that you mention it! I bet it works...although just watching golf on TV could probably put me out xD.

  6. Wonderful tips and awesome photographs!

    1. Thank you Nabila ;) I use a white board and a free online photo editor :D


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