WHY I'M GOING WITHOUT FOOD FOR 30 HOURS // why you can too

11:43 AM

From April 27-28, an event entitled the "30 Hour Famine", hosted by World Vision, is taking place. During this time period, it's 5,000 + participants will go without food for 30 hours to not only have awareness of the starvation of children all over the world but to raise money while doing so.

How does this work, you ask?
People (family, friends, neighbors) sponsor you by either sending in checks or simply donating to your account online. You can get the word out by text, email, social media, or word of mouth. When they sponsor you, you let them know that you are taking the plunge and raising the awareness of hunger. What's amazing to me is that whatever donations you receive can be multiplied.

Worldwide, 795 million people — about one in nine — are chronically hungry. That’s nearly 2.5x the population of the United States (stats & pic from 30Hourfamine.org)

And why go to all this trouble, this self-sacrifice?? Because what you are doing will SAVE LIVES. I mean, you're going without food for 30 hours, knowing that when it's done you can feast. But some little 5-year old in Uganda may starve to death. God forbid it--and this is why we participate. When I did it last year, I felt the pain of these children. No, not exactly what they feel. God has blessed me and my family so much I cannot fully experience it. But just a little, a pinch, a glimpse of the world they live in every hour came to me and it was crazy revealing. I truly felt that the hardships and difficulties we go through in life were mere dust compared to these dying people.

We truly do not realize HOW BIG our blessings are till we go without them. It is healthy, then, to deny ourselves at times.

Do you know when your sitting in your room watching your favorite show, and a commercial pops on the screen with some hungry little child. Often they seem "so far away" it is, subconsciously, not as real to us. Likely we might never leave the U.S.
When you care about people that far away as to go without food even though you don't have to....its like reaching out and holding their hand. Countries away. Just $40 will help feed and care for a child for a month!
What I want to do so badly and doing it for the lord and for these kids:
I'm scared to go hungry. Period.
Truth be told, I was a little nervous heading into the famine for my first time last year. I'd never gone without food for that long purposely and it was a little scary. But I really was not hungry until the last few hours (despite the 5-foot burger ad that popped up on the projector screen accidentally at church during a World Vision youtube video).
It really wasn't as bad as you'd think. And my youth group kept us all so busy with food donations, games and etc, that it would have been hard to notice for some time.
Think about it. These kids don't know where their next meal is coming from. We can go without for a little more than a day.

"This is the beating heart of the Famine. The money you’ve raised might give a starving child a second chance through one of our emergency clinics. Teach a mom the right kind of food to give her toddler. Give a farmer better tools and seeds. Provide a water pump to irrigate fields. This list goes on . . . and you get to be the catalyst — by turning in your funds!"

"World Vision has been awarded a number of food grants that will multiply the impact of your funds, but they have end dates. Don’t miss out on making your efforts go further!"


You can do the 30-Hour Famine with a youth group near you, or, I believe you could do it just by yourself, at home. You can click here to go sign up/learn more, etc. World Vision, who made the event, is a worldwide trusted organization that my parents have sponsored children through for over 30 years.

To look back on last year, I'd have to say that participating was not only fun, but I learned a lot. I'm doing it again this year...and I'm excited. It's amazing how easily we can save lives, countries apart.
God loves these children/people just as much as he loves everyone. We have a chance to take ourselves out of our comfort zone, for only 30 hours, and actually help these people.

If you aren't/can't participate (keep in mind you can still raise money by just telling your donors you might need to eat in that time period) you can still donate. Donate to World Vision, or sponsor a participant.

My account is (C'mon I know you were wondering just when I was going to say that)...Michaila@30HourFamine. I'd be genuinely tickled if you all decided to help me reach my goal of $700 (last year my goal was $500 and I raised $515!). Let's change the world together, peoples!!!

Have you experienced real hunger?

Will you take the challenge?

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10 Sticky notes

  1. Well done! So excited for you.
    Is it the same as the 40 hour famine?????????????????????

    1. Thanks Bonnie! Yes, I suppose it is; did you do that one?

  2. I LOVE THIRTY HOUR FAMINE. I do it every year with my youth group (we stay overnight the first day and do a service project the next during the fast, raising money as a collective group the weeks prior), and it's one of the things I look forward to the most each year. Wonderful post, Michaila! ❤

    1. SO DO I!! Our youth group does exactly the same except we raise money on our own ;). The 2nd day we collect food for a local food pantry in our youth pastor's neighborhood. Thank you so much, Sarah!

  3. Ok when I first saw this I thought it would be religious and then it did not show up so I waited a while and then you officially published the post so I had to look at it. I figured out that it was not religious (well I mean kind of) and instead ten million times better. This is so awesome and I seriously and in awe of you right now. It is amazing that you succeeded in doing this last year and that you are doing it again this year. I extremely want to do this now. I am really interested in this issue and I would love to talk to you about it. There are so many children and families who are literally starving in those small countries in places like africa. On the other side of the countries are people like americans who have probably never actually been starving and never will be. In europe and north america it is amazing how well we have it but most people don't relize it. Love this!

    1. I'm very happy you liked my post! The fact that Americans don't realize the disastrous reality of starvation and death is a sad issue in our country. However, it's things like the 30 Hour Famine that open our eyes.
      Thank you, but to be honest, it was the thought of WHAT I was doing that enabled me to go hungry. I wasn't just denying myself for those children and people...but for the kingdom of God.
      I would love to talk to you more about this. It was an eye-opening experience for me and a blessing. "Every good act of giving and every perfect gift is from above"; when I do the 30 Hour Famine this year it isn't without 'religion' (although the word religion is often distorted and mistaken for other things) because perfect religion, real religion IS denying oneself for others. "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." -James 1:27. So with every righteous thing I do, God is in it.
      Thank you for your comment; I hope you know that God sees your compassion.

  4. This was the coolest, post, Mic! I feel like I've heard of this before, but I had completely forgotten about it until you posted xD. It sounds SO COOL! I'll have to show this post to my sister ;).

    ~ Savannah

    1. And here enters the sister. xD OH MY GRACIOUS, MIC, this is something I realllly wanna do!!!! (not because of the potential mission trip *cough cough* of course not, why would you think such an absurd thing? ;)) I feel like God is really speaking to my heart about this!!!

    2. It is super cool!!! I had SO MUCH FUN last year and totally recommend it to anyone who is physically able to do it ;)

  5. Ariel---if God's telling you to do this, I would definitely go for it! My parents have gone on missions trips in the past (I was not born) and the 30 Hour Famine is a absolutely free way to go on a missions trip at home, in a way xD. I've already begun to raise money and I'm so thrilled!


Have you been to Europe?

Thank you for your beautiful comments (I respond) <3333