5 PRODUCTIVE WAYS to banish cabin fever + the Crepe challenge

10:13 PM

Cabin fever. We all get it. That urge to suddenly get out somewhere and go on some crazy adventure, and not sit inside the house with complete patience. And it hits us right about now.
Unfortunately, spring likes to take it's time (not like most of us) which leaves the door shut, the windows closed, and either the view of naked trees or frosty white for our eyes to see through the windows.
It has a very annoying effect to it; suddenly we are all ready to burst outside and do something crazy, just because.

Well, if you know you've got a little more time to wait, then, this post is for you.

There's something about coming up with new things, making new things that just refreshes a person. Trying new things as well. And why not reap the benefit of a useful skill or well-made product? Hey, you may even be able to sell it.

#1 Learn to Crochet

Knitting or crocheting is an amazing skill because you can make just about anything with it. From baby booties to boot cuffs, to even a hat or scarf, it's fairly easy and simple to learn. If you want to tone down on your cost, buy yarn from the thrift shop (just trust me on this one; yarn for $0.50 is better than yarn for $5.00).  The best part? You can crochet WHILE WATCHING T.V. I mean, you can be making yourself a cozy warm hat while watching I Love Lucy (it takes not quite as long as you would think before you can just feel the rhythm of the yarn & needle, and don't even need to look). 
cheap cost + your own handmade clothes, no brainer.

#2 Map out your Spring Garden

This year I'm revisioning watermelons and cucumbers to have sort of a 'trellis teepee' growing method. Look up 'growing cucumbers (or watermelons) vertically' on Pinterest, and you'll see what I mean. Both of them rot easily, so growing Sugar Babies and cucumbers without touching the ground sounds like a *MIND BLOWN* idea. Maybe thinking of planting, vegetables and construction will help you forget it's still winter. And by planning now, you'll not only be ready when the weather turns warm, but you'll also have saved a bunch of time.

A good way to be prepared is by learning what grows in your area. You can also save more money by buying seeds (slightly risky, but then you might be paying $0.20 over $3.00) and trying your green thumb. If you're looking for an easy flower to grow by seeds and to plant around your garden, Marigolds are thee way to go. I grew them into hedges last year, no kid.

#3 Take the Crepe Challenge

I've been on Pinterest (surprise surprise) and these A-MAZING Crepe recipes were just jumping out at me. I managed to convince Mom (after all, their so thin if you mess up you aren't wasting much money) to teach me. It was a blast. we just made some batter, poured it into the bottom of the pan, and flipped it, then done (SO much easier to flip than an egg).

After, we rolled them with a filling of berries and banana-cream cheese and a sprinkling of chocolate chunks. I was surprised, but three of those were super filling. You all need to go an' try to make some crepes because let me tell you, it's fun. 

#4 Set an Exercise Goal

#1 reason for cabin fever, can't wait till spring. #2 reason, not enough exercise. All that cozy winter time do-nothing schedule makes your body extra full of energy. 
Workout. I find ballet (or just dance) workouts on Youtube that get me stretched and tired. And shaking, no kid. It's an amazing, COMPLETELY FREE and actually fun way to test your endurance. Totally worth a try or two.
Pluuussss, why not get in shape for summer and spring? Yep, you can do that hard stuff while it's still chilly outside an' save the fun part for the warm weather. I'm probably around a couple inches from my right split. 0_O.

More importantly, back to my last post, is being thankful. We are so blessed by God that we have no idea. It's amazing when we open our eyes and see everything, starting at the glorious fact that Jesus died for us. For you. He loves you. He made you.

Do you have cabin fever?

Are you anxiously waiting for spring?

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8 Sticky notes

  1. First of all... I love your new blog look! And crepes YES. Have you ever had savory crepes? They're almost as good as dessert crepes. =) Thanks for the ideas!


    1. Thank you Miciah :D it took me a bit, but I finally got everything sorted out :). No, I'll have to look that up tho it sounds tasty!

  2. awe I wanna come and help you plant your garden <33

    I wish summer would hurry up and come already xD

    1. I know right?? Wish you were here to run barefoot with me dear <3

  3. I especially agree with working out and making crepes (never made one but sounds fun). I'd love to crochet but I'm lefthanded so crocheting has never worked for me :( anywho, GREAT POST


    1. Really?? Maybe you could find some videos on youtube or google that have a tutorial for left-hand people. THANKS GIRL!!

  4. Love all of these great ideas! Especially the crepe one! I need to make a crepe, I've never made one before :)

    1. Thanks Sydney ;)Haha neither had I! It was SO much fun, you definitely should try.


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