Making the most of an inexpensive camera for PICTURESQUE BLOG POSTS

10:45 AM

We all know the struggle. Wanting to post picturesque, pinterest-looking pictures on our blog although we own a $25 camera.

I've owned the same General Electric, 10.1 megapixel camera since I was about 10 years old. And you know what, that's a pretty talented camera for it's size and price.
Matter fact, I've learned that almost any camera can give you the right picture your looking for, if (and if only) you know the right tricks.

Trick one is to use a solid backdrop. I normally use white poster board, because it's just plain huge (which equals lots of bumping into things...) and blinding white. But, you can actually use white paper to create you own aesthetic backdrop as well.

LIGHTING IS A BIG DEAL. Make sure you take the pictures in good light. Most household lights will give your pics a fuzzy, brownish-yellow hue that basically says 'unprofessional' and isn't good on quality.
The best places for me are either when light (not sunlight, mind) is coming through the living room windows about afternoon-ish time. Then again, our ceiling is white, and sometimes the saturation is just horribly cold, so I've learned to take a better picture, I should go into our porch which has a wood ceiling.
Watch your shadows as well; don't want to see your hand in the pic!

Here's my starting picture. Sorta dim...especially considering how bright the Prismacolor pencils I used were. They don't quite 'jump out' like they should.
Time to edit *smirks* *waits for program to load*

I use Canva, but you can also use Picmonkey or even Befunky depending on what your making; all have free modes.

I used their 'presentation' layout for it's sizes, but you can use whatever you wish. If you don't have a canva account, it's super easy to make; just sign up with your google account.
K, so after you pic your template, you can upload your pic.

After uploading, I drag + dropped it and stretched it to the widths of the square.

Here is the real editing; playing with brightness, contrast and blur. the brightness (I brought to 53) brings out that desired aesthetic backdrop, the contrast (which is at 37) the details and color, and finally, bringing the blur (-17) back makes the entire image sharper.

And ta-dah!!!! You can have complete freedom and change the levels till your satisfied *winks*. It really is up to you what your final image will look like; but now you know that almost any pic can look better in 5 minutes.

And there you have it. A little, 5-minute editing can change your pics from indistinguishable to aesthetic with almost any camera.

Do you use canva for blogging?

Lets talk blog tips-what are your go-to programs?

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3 Sticky notes

  1. Gorgeous drawing! I take all my photos with the camera on my phone. I've learned many tips and tricks to make them look nice. I always use Aviary to edit my photos. The app works very well, and it's free.

    ~ Pip

    1. Thanks Pip!
      Wow, girl, your pics are pretty amazing for being on your phone---so clear! Your doing a great job on them ;D
      I think I've used it once or twice...have to look it up again, thanks ;)

    2. Aww, I'm glad you think they're good! Thanks!


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