BULLET JOURNAL LAYOUTS for scheduling everything from Birthdays to Dance Goals // ...I went to the movies

10:15 AM

Last night, amidst the pouring rain, me and the familia traveled a half an hour to go see In Our Hands, the Battle for Jerusalem.
I've actually never been to a movie before...THAT WAS MY FIRST TIME IN A THEATER. How? Well, one reason is that we all are homebodies around this place and mostly prefer to eat our home made popcorn and watch stuff I pre-ordered from the library and waited 5 months for.

Dad was always telling me these stories about gum smashed everywhere and people  yelling down in front and such. I feel a little bad for him because when we got there, the seats were legit brand new soft an' cushy lean-back sorta seats.
I mean this whole place was brand new.

The movie was good, I thought, although it wasn't exactly a movie but a documentary-film of a sort. It was focused on-of course like the title says-the 6 Day War over Jerusalem. And by the end I thought it was very impacting...knowing how brave those men were and how big the Biblical significance of it was. Only a one-day showing, for that hour, for the day they reclaimed Jerusalem.

Besides going to the movies for the first time, I'm also sweating it because my school's dance recital is in 15 days and I've still got to perfect my pirouette and land it in fifth. 0_o

That's where the bullet journal comes in.
Because this summer, I really want to be working towards intermediate and step (or chaine, or chasse) away from beginner. So I'm laying individual goals out for individual moves, which, has already helped.

And then there's all that other stuff besides dance like life. I made a small layout for that too.

So that's what early summer break looks like for me.
Whether or not my landing was good, or my Dad believes me, I turned 3x in a pirouette the other day. While listening to NEEDTOBREATHE's Hard Love. Of course.

What are you doing for summer break ?

Did any of these layouts inspire you?

Did you hear about "in Our Hands"?

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8 Sticky notes

  1. Don't feel bad about not going to a movie theatre before. They're really fun, but at the same time, what's better than cuddling with your family on the couch? Plus you have free food five steps away.
    I hope your dance recital goes well! I'm performing tomorrow in a play of Peter Pan and Wendy. Do you get nervous for dance? I know I do for theatre.

    Sorry for the long comment!

    ~ Pip

    1. Exactly...plus it's free to stay home, lol (or a $1 from RedBox).
      Thanks so much, so do I xD I'm praying for your play hope it goes amazingly!
      And btw, Peter Pan is literally my favorite fairy tale...which...I have a lot, hehee.
      Oh yes, I get nervous all the time. 4/5 of a perfect turn is complete focus an ease. 0_o

    2. Thank you so much! That means a lot to me.
      It's one of my favorites as well:)

    3. Aww thank you girl!
      Yes....I used to partially 'believe' in Peter Pan when I was little xD

  2. I'm a sucker for gorgeous bullet journals and I love all your dance goals! Good luck!


    1. Thank you so much, Hailey! Only a dancer would know what all those terms mean, I'm guessing ;D

    And ohmygracious I seriously need to start one of these bullet-journals. LIKE SERIOUSLY. I need to get my life back in order. ;p
    This summer, I want to do something that I call 'Project Love'...it is a project where I plan every week how I am going to love people more than normal, and spread the Good News at the same time!! It's gonna be EPICNESS. <333

    1. FOR PIROUETTES it works great <3
      yes you do!!! they are both cute and so useful!
      WOW that sounds like an epic summer goal...I'll have to add that to my bucket list ;D


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