GOD OF THE HILLS AND VALLEYS = You are not alone

10:11 AM

When I'm standing on the mountain aft, didn't get there on my own
When I'm walking through the valley end, no I am not alone!
You're God of the hills and valleys!
Hills and Valleys! God of the hills and valleys
And I am not alone!

~Tauren Wells

There is really no better way to say it than with those words, made into lyrics from the Psalms.

Truth is, sometimes we all feel alone. 
Like we have to struggle through life, pull our own weight, get through our own issues. No person can feel what we are feeling...even sympathy can't lighten our burden. So we thicken our skin and build our muscles.

But then...it hits you.

Your not alone.

You never were alone. That pain you're harboring, those tears you cried in private, God felt it too. 

And most likely He felt it more than you, because, He loves you more than you love yourself.

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
 -Isiah 41:10

This burden isn't yours alone; it never was. At the moment it happened God was there. And He's there now...and now you realize this. Through this whole time, you've been treading a lonely path when you never were alone.

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8 Sticky notes

  1. *bookmarks this beautiful thing to read again later* Thank you for this, girl <3 <3

    ~ Savannah @ Scattered Scribblings

    1. *smiles with happiness*
      I can't take any credit for how amazing God is xD

  2. This is such a good reminder. I've been writing this a lot lately in places that will help me remember. Thank you <3

    1. It is...I think even if we try, a lot of times we all get so caught up in life that we don't take a moment to stop and think about how blessed we are...that we aren't alone and never will be as long as we are God's children.

  3. Woah you know Tauren Wells... sooo cooool. This is a great post. Great reminder <3


    1. Yes! Ahhh it's too bad royal Tailor broke up, tho, isn't it ;( ?
      Such an important thing to remember...Jesus is always there :D <3

    2. Yah I know right?! I had all their merch and everything. My friend actually knows the drummer who used to be in that band and he drums in a new popular country band now I think. It's pretty cool.

    3. Oh wow, really??? That's kinda sad he isn't in Royal Tailor though...that their not together anymore ):


Have you been to Europe?

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