5 CHILDHOOD THINGS you probably don't remember \\ Joy

1:34 PM

Lately, I have been realizing something I've been doing wrong. I haven't been thankful. Thankfulness may seem easy and often over-rated; thanksgiving, little quotes on signs, etc.
But in reality, it's often the core of almost EVERYTHING.

Thankfulness fuels what we do and who we are. Without it, we lose joy. And joy is one of the most important things. Without joy, we don't have inspiration. Excitement. Friendliness.
Instead, the tiny cloud in our blue sky is the only thing we can see.

Open your eyes right now. Look at the closest thing to you or look at everything surrounding you. Aren't you blessed?

Even if your life seems, after this still, to be one black cloud, even if you don't have many things or many hopes or many dreams, and even if it seems like it's just pouring buckets...you are still incredibly blessed. You have the amazing opportunity to ask your Creator, your Maker, for those things you don't have. For that cloud to go away. What a blessing, and not one of us are without it.

So I've made this little post for a small piece of happiness (or possibly reminisce) so that everyone who reads it can smile on the other side of their computers/phones/laptops and remember when they were little tater-tots.
Basically...5 childhood things you completely forgot about. Your welcome.

1} Between the Lions, Qubo & Arthur

Image result for between the lions

Can't say that I remember most of these episodes. What I do remember is early mornings (or early to a homeschooler) up, with the t.v on, and Mr. Smarty Pants. And Cliffhanger. Wasn't Between the Lions the best show?! I gotta watch this again, no kid.
My earlier childhood t.v was made up of Dora the Explorer (apparently map eating the screen used to scare me), Veggie Tales, and Threads. Then it was Strawberry Shortcake, Qubo (Babar, Jane and the Dragon, etc.) CLIFFORD the Big Red Dog and Arthur. I remember me and Josh literally got into a squabble over what in the world Arthur was. He's an Anteater. He looks more like a human with huge ears and a little ink-dot nose.

Oh, I almost forgot the Bernstein Bears!

2} VHS, PS2, and Gameboy

Could Your Disney VHS Tapes Be Worth Thousands Of Dollars?:

I don't know if any person under the age of 15 ever watched these as a kid....but I had a collection. And the funnest part about these things was playing with the tape-wheel-winder thingies, and the little flap-slot in the T.V. It was just entertainment before the show.
Play Station 1 and 2 were it for awhile. We upgraded to the PS2 when I was little. It played games such as Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, and Sly Cooper. No kid now will ever know who any of those characters are.

Gameboy's are like the original D.S if you've never had one. They were sorta a little square (like a mini laptop xD) and if it wasn't working right, you blew the dust out of the game slot. 

I feel old.
Crash Bandicoot was thee game. Him and his jean shorts, lol. When me and Josh were sick, we use to 'text' each other with the D.S chat thing (our spelling oh goodness). Then we had the old Mario games. NO ONE KNOWS FRUSTRATION IF THEY HAVEN'T PLAYED A D.S GAME THAT STARTED YOU BACK AT LEVEL ONE.

3} Silly Bands & Heelys

Bieber, Twilight and Crocs are just some of the Things 2000s Kids Will Miss The Most:

  Somehow I even ended up with a bunch of these...I think I still have one survivor laying behind my bed. Back in the 2010's kids were obsessed with these things. I heard they even restricted them from some schools because somehow some kids had managed to find harm in them. 

There was literally a silly band for everything. If you never heard of them, just think of the rainbow bracelet craze except in one stretchy rubber band in the shape of some undistinguishable walrus or turtle. Yep.
Josh had a pair of Heelys (they were all the rage for the 'cool' kids...and all the dangerous) though I can't recall where they had their end. Basically, Heelys were a pair of shoes with wheels on the bottom so you could 'skate'. Thus, walking was made faster. And more dangerous.

4} Polly Pockets and Littlest Pet Shop

Untitled en We Heart It.:  

Right now, in my closet, there's a bag of 60+ Littlest Pet Shops. I had been collecting those wide-eyed animals since probably 5 years old. The best thing was opening up a LPS for Christmas, especially if it was a puppy or bunny of some sort. When I was little, though, they had pretty unoriginal names. Lizard was graciously dubbed Lizard and turtle was titled nothing less than Turtle.

I have to say I was disappointed when I read that they had officially stopped manufacturing Polly Pockets. Obviously, every girl had a Barbie doll, but a Polly Pocket, now, she had style. Her clothes were rubber, which made them waterproof so that they could go swimming, and I even had one with joints in the knees and elbows. 
If you owned one of these, you probably had all of the outfit except the shoes (or maybe one of each pair) and if you still have a shirt or two laying around, you probably feel old when you realize it's disintegrating. 

5} Mr. Potato Head and Break the Ice

Image result for ice break board game 2000's

Wow, just looking at this picture is like a flashback. A flashback to those little icebreaking sticks that broke so easily. I don't even have a clue what the purpose of that game was; we just hammered at the ice. One day the blue container broke and that was that.
Mr. Potato Head will forever be a classic in each one of our minds, I think. I don't even care if Lays wants to turn him into a cannibal. He'll always be one of the characters on Toy Story, and one of the best 'surprise' containers, filled with the craziest things, that we ever had. 

There is so many more hilarious childhood things (of me and my siblings invention) that swirl around my head. And I know that almost everyone reading this post has at least one decent joy of their childhood if they can relate to the above. So be thankful today for those golden, priceless memories.

Did you know Larry the cucumber back when he had a deep voice?

Have you ever sang the "We got cake song"?

Did you relate?

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22 Sticky notes

  1. okay when i come over i wanna play dolls with you okay yep we are doing this xD

    srsly I can relate to almost all of these xD

    1. Haha and were going to watch all the shows I mentioned and stay up late doing so xD we'll call it the little kid slumber party :D

  2. Haha, this was the best post, Michaila! We STILL have an old Gameboy and GOOD GRIEF is it annoying to play xD. And LPS, oh my goodness. I'm guessing that my siblings and I had at least 50+ of those between us all ;). And YES I remember when Larry had a deep voice, haha xD.

    (ooh, and I have a question - how did you do your header? I'm considering changing mine at some point and I LOVE the style of yours)

    ~ Savannah

    1. Thanks Savannah! REALLY?? I don't exactly remember what happened to ours. I know...we use to always take it on long car rides (which equaled hating whatever game you were playing). Haha I have some of the old LPS' that they don't make any more xD one day they'll be vintage, lol!! OMYGOODNESS wasn't Larry hilarious, tho, with that voice??? So glad they changed it ;)

      Thanks, girl! I made it using Canva (I also made my book cover with Canva). It's super easy to work with and you only have to sign up with I think email/password or google account. Try it out and let me know how it goes!

  3. Oh, goodness! All of these! <3
    My siblings and I still sing, 'Clifhanger, hanging from a cliff...'
    We are actually quite behind times and still own many VHS tapes, and I'm always explain to my little cousins why they are better than DVDs.
    I mean, the little kids would take the tapes, unwind the film and carry them around on their shoulders for purses. Fixable, with a pencil and patience, which we did all the time. ;) How many times have you had to throw away a DVD because it's scratched?

      omygoodness, I can't say I ever made those (although I did use to play with the tapes:) Yessss...haha VHS' seems old now and it just seems like it's only been 10 years, am I right???

  4. I miss childhood so much, when we were entertained by dolls and our imagination. I was thinking about heelys the other day!! Now sure why but I thought of them. Thanks for taking me back!! Can you even buy silly bands anymore...

    1. Imagination was it back then. Now we've all turned into writers xD. Really?? Haha, *with pleasure*. And YES, if you can spot 'em at the thrift shop like I did :D

  5. Polly Pockets was one of the things me and my sister used to play. :) Happy memories...

    1. I suppose we all have the last of the Polly Pockets...it's sad but funny; we grew up so slow and so quick. Yes, I can't remember that many bad memories of childhood besides a scrape or two ;)

  6. Ahh yes, I remember this stuff really well actually. My nieces still have impressive collections of polly pockets. ;D CLIFFHANGER! Man I didn't know people other then me actually remembered that! (Not that I had ever bothered to ask. I guess that would have helped. ;P) Cliffhanger was my and my siblings favorite! =D

    1. HAHA they should keep them, after all they aren't making them anymore (one day they'll be vintage 0_o).
      Neither did I till now!!! And Mr. Smarty Pants :P we used to sing all those classic characters songs...err, whatever they were xD

  7. I certainly do miss being a child, but growing up has it advantages too, such as more freedom.

    1. Being little was awesome; but being old enough to think and speak is even more.

  8. Wow!!! I can definitely relate to like all of these!!
    I had a whole bin full of Polly Pocket things when I was younger and my family still has tons of VHS movie tapes!
    - Maddy littlebitofsunshineweb.wordpress.com

    1. I remember this one particular Polly Pocket dress I had...not sure if I still own it :P We replaced most of our VHS' now, but man, if you still have a player for them, you can definitely get a real steal for TONS of movies at the thrift shop.

  9. Literally ALL of these are things I relate to! I'm pretty sure we had the exact same childhood. <3

    1. HAAHA I think it has partly to do with age, lol. Besides, we blogger people tend to have similar lifestyles ;D

  10. Ah, yes. I really like how you began this post, Michaila. It's true, we miss so much to be thankful around us.. It's something I've been thinking about recently, actually. Have you ever read any of Ann Voskamp's books? She talks a lot about finding joy through thankfulness. It's inspiring.

    And yes, I'm feeling old with you. :) Thanks for this post!

    1. Thank you, Jessica. Actually I was thinking about it in the shower the other day (where deep thoughts happen xD) and I decided to merge it into this post. It's extremely hard to remember to be thankful, but so easy to count our blessings, isn't it? No, I haven't...gotta catch up on my reading challenge tho so thanks for the recommendation ;)
      Anytime :D

  11. Silly bandz!! VHS!! Polly Pockets!! Yup, yup, yup. Basically my childhood and this post is epic. XD


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