You Know You are a WRITER If...

1:55 PM

This post? It's all about the wordiest, most creative peoples; writers. We are storytellers, dreamers, goes on and on. We see things others can't. It's a talent from God. And yes, we have probably some of the most known inside jokes. This post is about our inside world *oooh*.

"At last, a short meagre man, in a tarnished waistcoat, desired to see the garret, and when he had stipulated for two long shelves, and a larger table, hired it at a low rate. When the affair was completed, he looked round him with great satisfaction, and repeated some words which the woman did not understand. In two days he brought a great box of books, took possession of his room, and lived very inoffensively, except that he frequently disturbed the inhabitants of the next floor by unseasonable noises. He was generally in bed at noon, but from evening to midnight he sometimes talked aloud with great vehemence, sometimes stamped as in rage, sometimes threw down his poker, then clattered his chairs, then sat down in deep thought, and again burst out into loud vociferations; sometimes he would sigh as oppressed with misery, and sometimes shaked with convulsive laughter. When he encountered any of the family, he gave way or bowed, but rarely spoke, except that as he went up stairs he often repeated,
[Greek:—Hos hupertata domata naiei].
This habitant th’ aerial regions boast;
hard words, to which his neighbours listened so often, that they learned them without understanding them. What was his employment she did not venture to ask him, but at last heard a printer’s boy inquire for the author."
~the Rambler, Samuel Johnson 

This morning I was reading British Lit (and btw I found it very interesting that Samuel Johnson was saved by John Wesley), and couldn't help but smirk when the above described mad-man, who laughs and talks at night, has a hoard of books, and sometimes sighs as in misery, turned out to be nothing less than an author. It is so realistic, isn't it?

Ha I find myself a little  crazy  when I do this. At least I'm not alone:

It's actually a very disturbing business. You could go and live a simple, easy, happy life. Or, you could wake yourself up at night with a random, has-to-be-remembered idea, leap out of bed in the cold, find a piece of paper and sloppily write on it (all in the dark) only to find the next morning it no longer holds the same pizzazz. 

You could go visit a friend, have a nice day, and come home. Or, you could get so stuck on finishing those three chapters (completely incoherent of life) that by the time your done, the sun is setting, you forgot everything you were supposed to do, and your eyes feel like they've been starched from looking at the computer screen.

We writers, we chose the hard way. 
We're special.

Why are we special? Because we see beauty in the ugly, light in the dark, faces out of thin air. The characters we create have never existed, and if we did not create them, they would never live. Movies, books...they come from writers. Those crazy people that stay up late and laugh at inside jokes no one else knows.
The urge just keeps gnawing at you until you sit down and just write. A thought, a poem, a song, maybe a whole book if the urge is strong enough. Writing takes away the longing but only for awhile, then we must write again.:

There is something in us that takes a drop of water and makes a river out of it. 
One sparkle of the eye, one little smirk can spark our imaginations till our fingers have to put our minds to the limit. Happiness can not merely be described in one word; for words is not exactly what we use, but whole sentences and paragraphs like skyscrapers forming a city; stars in the night sky.

vintage everyday: 21 Emotional Vintage Pictures Show People with Their Joy:

And the indescribable is, even in it's elusiveness and faraway voice, made more understandable.


Writers, you are rare. You are special. 

Don't give up hope. When there is nothing left to write about, write about that. Some Creator-inspired message is waiting in the tips of your fingers. 

So go.

Never give up, never give up.

Keep writing, my friends.

Have you been inspired lately?

What are your #writergoals this year, for 2017?

see more of my HOW TO WRITE A STORY board here...

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10 Sticky notes

  1. Just wanted to let you know I tagged you for the Q & A tag. :)

    1. Thanks Natasha! I'll have to go on over and check it out :D


  3. okay just yes. sometimes writing can be super hard, but it is totally worth it xD

  4. <3 Haha, my family can get pretty annoyed with me when I'm in a writing mood. I disappear on the computer for hours, and when anyone interrupts a moment of inspiration....
    *Glares at the person with red-rimmed eyes from staring at a screen too long and whispers in a soft, cold voice, 'Poke me again. I dare you.'*
    It can be quite hard for them, actually. ;)
    It can be pretty bad when my characters are unhappy or grieving. I wander around the house with a dazed look, feeling their hurt. lol

    1. Omygosh that's HILARIOUS. Writing is zoning out from life in order to go into another, isn't it? We sorta turn invisible to ourselves...but to our fam were still there, haha!

      I know that depressing chapter where I'm using all my emotions to feel what their feeling and wear myself out...besides getting in a mood just because of it :P

  5. Writing is REALLY hard... But I wouldn't do anything else. =)



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