Interview with SARAH from Trusting in the Lord

5:16 PM

Not only is Sarah an amazing blogger (yep) but she's also an amazing friend (I'm looking at you, girl). Who else makes you personal, creative and adorable art every week? So, and I say, pay attention and read this interview. Because she is awesome (go make her followers over 102 at Trusting in the Lord)

(I'll add some notes...per'aps)

When you started a blog, what were your thoughts?

"Maybe, someday, I'll reach 20 followers." << *ahem* Yes, I really thought that. If you told me three years later I'd still be blogging, have a DSLR and have over 100 followers I'd say, "Yeah, righhttt. You're nuts. I mean, seriously?"

What do you think now?

I think I've improved a lot since I started and please never go back on my posts. lololol. I think my blog has really helped my photography as well. I seriously don't think I ever would have got a DSLR if it weren't for my blog. What's the fun of taking pictures when you have nothing to use them for?! I'm so glad I started blogging--I've met so many friends through it (including, Michaila!) and grown a lot through it all. It's been amazing. (Awe!)

Favorite names? Least favorite?
Well, I actually have a couple names for my future kids someday. (lol, yes.) I've always liked the name Nathaniel, (Nathan, Nate). I also really like Aliyah (Ali). Nicknames are pretty important to me. And other than that I haven't thought of any other names that I love yet. xD Least favorite names? Let's just say I'll never name one of my kids, (or characters) Bob, 'kay? I mean, seriously. Why do that to someone?! (Okay this cracks me up because I think Bob is pretty much the worst boy name ever)

Do you remember losing your two front teeth?

Actually, it's really funny you mention this. I lost my two front teeth? (I know I lost two) one night when my brother and I were running around when I was 6. I remember being on this short table next to our banisters and I got knocked down somehow and out when two of my teeth. And no, they weren't loose. (I had actually just lost one tooth before so now I was three teeth short. Made eating super fun).

Favorite number?
12 has always appealed to me. You know, they are right next to each other.

Lessons from your writer experience?
Never compare. Feel free to cringe at old writing and see how far you have come. Don't worry about the little things--enjoy writing, but never give it up. Don't skip things saying you will, "Go back to it later," JUST WRITE JUNK. It really doesn't matter. Just get those words down.

And finally, what is your favorite outfit? 

One of my favorite summer outfits is probably my swimsuit actually. Seriously. Well, the swim bottom part. My sister sells them here: link. and I love wearing them with a normal t-shirt for playing around and every day wear. Also, I really love this bohemianish looking maxi skirt I have (MAXI SKIRTS ARE TO DIE FOR) along with an orange shirt.

Thanks so much, Michaila!

Thank you Girl! That was great and entertaining!

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15 Sticky notes


    and btw, I didn't even know you were going to be interviewed on here! *pokes finger at you through screen*

    1. Haha, hello Sarah's sister ;) You two are hilarious. So like me and my Brother :D

    2. Haha, hello Sarah's sister ;) You two are hilarious. So like me and my Brother :D

    3. *shrinks from poke* I forgot to tell you.

      BTW this was awesome, Michaila. I think you are seriously the best ever person at coming up with questions. xD

  2. Replies
    1. Why thank you! But most the credit goes to Sarah ;)

    2. Why thank you! But most the credit goes to Sarah ;)

  3. Cool interview, guys! And I totally agree with you both about the name Bob. Seriously, WHY!? (Poor guys that are actually named that...) And nice writing advice, Sarah! Totally. Comparing is one of THE WORST things to do as a writer...unless your comparing your new writing with your old writing. :) AND UGH. I think I would've freaked out if I lost my two front teeth like that. SCARY. *cringe*


    1. I know, lol! I was afraid somebody named Bob might read that...Yes, Sarah is totally right. But comparing your old to new writing is good in a way. On one side your humiliated at your old junk and on the other you realize how far you've come.

  4. You guys are both so awesome, ;) fantastic interview!

  5. Another great interview! I love Sarah's blog! And I do have to agree about the name Bob... xD


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