Movies to Watch, well, Forever

8:10 PM

It's summer! You know those days when you've played, got ridiculously hot and then cooled off going swimming. You come home, eat some popcorn, and grab a scoop (or five) of vanilla ice cream (because vanilla goes with any occasion). The cherry to top off your summer day is what you call a forever movie.

You know exactly what I'm talking about.

Those movies, though you have watched them since toddlerhood, that never get old. You can watch them again and again. Matter of fact, you'll probably be watching them for the rest of your life. Your grandchildren will be watching them with you.

~For the sleepover~

Obviously this movie is fully equipped for any slumber party. You can tell just by the front cover. It has romance, adventure (to keep you awake), humor, and miracle chocolates. Anything with chocolate, right?

This movie is a classic.

And the passing boy family members will most likely stop to watch as the sword fighting scene comes closer (and to take some of your vanilla ice cream). It's just all around, for any age or person. 

'nuff said. Go and see yourself.

~For your Dad~

Okay, so...this one was technically inspired by my Dad, who believes this movie never gets old. In a way it doesn't. Evan brutalizing himself building the Ark is just as hilarious as it once was. And it still sorta kinda grabs your interest.

Really it is a good movie. 

All the revelations, and Evan Baxter turning from a 'successful Congressman' to New York's Noah is a funny, yet fulfilling plot line.

Warning: after your Dad insists on watching this every weekend you may resent this post.

~For family movie night~

"Yes darling, yes." I've seen this movie probably more than I should, yet when I sit down, I end up watching it again
It's a full-fledged family movie, while your parents are laughing about one thing you didn't understand awhile ago, you and your sibling are laughing over Dash putting the tack on his teacher's seat. 
And it never slows down. If something isn't burning, someones getting hurt, or going to be, or maybe their running from the bad guys... 

~For your Siblings~

I wonder how many times I've watched this one.

With such greatly animated characters, personalities, and voices, it is so fit for a night with younger kids. Or big kids. 

I mean, Disney made monsters likable. How do you do that?! 

With creativity, I suppose. And purple polka dots. and a green, soccer-ball like thing. 

And some humor, of course.  

"I'm watching you, Wazowski. Always watching. Always."

~For your Mom~

I wonder into the living room...some chaotic scene in a Cinderella retelling is going on...I sit down...I stay there. 

Drew Barrymore is perfect for this movie.

And oh!

Her Stepmother! I mean, you really, really dislike her stepmother. And, in my opinion, that is a necessity for a Cinderella movie.
Drew Barrymore is so humble in this, yet so spunky, that you feel her pain. And when she throws apples at the Prince...haha. And when her evil stepsister (because in this particular movie there is only one) burns her book!!! The indignation! And when she is married, and the Stepmother is in her place (in a vat of dye). 

Yes, this movie is certainly qualified for Mother Daughter movie night. Just press play and add chocolate.

What are your 'Forever Movies' that you can watch again and again?
Have you ever seen these films?

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16 Sticky notes

  1. Yessss The Princess Bride and Ever After are. The. BEST! Me and my sis have watched Ever After a thousand times (we just watched it last night) And we never get sick of it, it's just awesome.

    1. They are so classic! Haha, that is so funny you just watched it last night XD

  2. I've seen all but Monsters Inc! The Princess Bride is so fun, and Ever After is a good retelling of Cinderella! Drew Barrymore did really well in it! :D And yep, you DO NOT like the stepmother. ;) I'm not sure about it being a Forever Movie, but I really like Letters to Juliet. It's an adorable romance!! Have you seen it? I also like Star Wars. And Cars and Toy Story. Now I'm naming off movies I just really like... ;)

    1. You've NEVER seen Monsters Inc?! Okay, time to call the library post haste. Yes, Ever After is probably the best Cinderella retelling I've ever watched. I've never seen Letters to Juliet. Yes, TOY STORY's ARE FOREVER movies!!!

    2. Hahaha!! Nope, never seen it. ;) Have you seen the new Cinderella live-action movie from Disney? I like that one too! Letters to Juliet is really cute! You should check into it. :D Toy Story is SOOO fun! Did you know they're making a 4ht one!? (*whisper* It's something about Woody finding Bo Peep. :D)

    3. YES.YES!! It was extremely good :D Yes, I did :) and a 5th Ice Age. Ohhh...

    4. Didn't they do a good job on the live-action Cinderella?? I really enjoyed that they made the prince MUCH more of a character than in the animated version! And I also liked that the stepmother was multi-dimensional. She didn't just treat Ella bad because she was simply evil - it was because she was hurt and jealous. Right!? ;) I'm very much looking forward to Toy Story 4!! And Ice Age 5 comes out next month! We'll most likely see both in theaters. ;) Hehe...

    5. The costumes, the simple makeup (and the fancy job on the evil Stepsisters and Stepmother). Yes, they did give him much more character-in the 1950's version, he's just sort of there. I can't really remember anything of the things he said. I've never gone to the theaters, but I'm sure I'll see both! :)

  3. Oh my goodness ever after is THE BEST EVER. I love it so much.


  4. MONSTERS INC. More like Monsters University. #notashamedofkidmovies
    AND YES. The Princess Bride. Epic. Ever After was really good too. XD

  5. Great movie picks! :)
    Oh, and I tagged you on my blog, if you're interested. ;)

    1. Thank you Emily :)
      And Thank you so much for thinking of me with the tag! I honestly have been over flooded with tags recently, but I really appreciating you thinking of me and may do it in the future. But thank you, very much :D

  6. Love the new header! Love me some Pixar!! And the Princess Bride is fun, too! Fun post! :D

    1. Awe, thank you! Yes, Pixar is SO MUCH FUN! Princess Bride is the best XD.
      Thank you!


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