Being an Authoress

9:53 PM

You know, if your a writer, there are those days you wake up and transform from the normal you into the authoress.

Suddenly, the bird outside your window chirps the song of a far-off adventure; it is no longer sitting on the clothesline, but perching on the mighty mast pole of Captain Ruthless' Swift Vengeance as it crashes through the threatening tide.

And all of it rushes to your fingertips; you grip the keyboard, and you fly. Every word fits in it's place (and every tenth word is misspelled) and the vivid picture of rushing waves, changing tides...even mermaids, perhaps, shapes together as quick as your fingers let it. 

For a time everything is lovely smooth, you are ecstatic over this success. 

Then the bird flies off the clothesline. You can't remember what you named that fifth scroll up...Silver tail? Silver Tail?! That must be the most unoriginal name a siren could have. You try to think up a name, but nothing comes to mind. So you scroll down, and suddenly read the last sentence in order to continue. 

Oh my. Oh my. That must never be seen. 

An hour later the whole chapter has been ditched in the trash bin, and you find yourself staring at the computer screen, having only deleted and not written for the last forty minutes. All your honestly doing is eating popcorn. Actually, you'd rather watch T.V while you eat your popcorn...

The rest of the night has not a thought of literature 

Then the next day comes, and the next, a week later, finally. You pick up a book, and there is mention of a pirate ship. Suddenly you remember that old, unfinished friend who needs you. And off you go. The chapter is renewed; not perfect, but much better, and the mermaid has a wonderfully original, fishy name. A new character has formed, something magnificently creative and unique, something you would not have thought of before. Thank God for our imaginations.

A month in the life of an authoress

What is your month as a writer?
Are you proud of one of your characters specifically?

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14 Sticky notes

  1. That actually somewhat describes how some of my writing has gone lately. Ugh. ;) I like the two main characters in my Civil War WIP, siblings Madeline and her older bro Theodore. They're hopefully realistic. ;)

    1. Yes, this writer business is hard stuff, aye? XD Those are good names, Civil War...I believe Little Women was based around that time ( I could be wrong ;)? Sounds interesting!

    2. Being a writer IS HARD. At least we've got other writers to sympathize with us. ;) Thank you!!! Yes, Little Women was based in the Civil War! :)

    3. yes, lol. I've just started reading Jo's Boys...

  2. This pretty much describes my writing lately. :P I loved it!

  3. Aaggggh this is so so accurate!

  4. P.S love your descriptions. ;)

    1. Awe, thank you! It was fun making them up on the fly XD


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