Swirls of Sketches and Angelic Calligraphy

12:47 PM

Surprisingly, sketching what I see in wedding catalogs helps my drawings. Almost all these girls below, more or less, were copied from a wedding catalog-except in my perspective-from looking and scribbling. I use to like to draw with mechanical pencils, but now I mostly like to use drawing pencils.

Calligraphy is beautiful, fun, and fruitful. Plus, I get to hear that wonderful scritch scritch. It is such a wonderful, timeless hobby. 

Do you often draw/write from looking at something? What is your favorite thing to draw? Well, the thirty hour famine has been completed! Can you believe it? I hope you all are having a wonderful May so far, and that this post sees you well.

The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.
~C.S Lewis

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8 Sticky notes

  1. I love that C.S. Lewis quote! Beautiful. Your calligraphy is looking quite nice. Do you use a calligraphy pen? Or just an ordinary one?

    1. It is a beautiful quote-many of his are :). Thank you ;) No, I'm using a calligraphy pen...it can be a bit difficult till you get the hang of it.

  2. Those are wonderful drawings!! I can't draw at all, but I admire those who can. ;)

  3. Your sketches and calligraphy are beautiful!



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