White Clouds
5:06 PMEven when evil and despicable things happen, God is still with us carrying us through the storm. Sometimes it's really difficult to see, like when a storm seems like its never going to end. But just the next day the sky clears up and a yellow ball of sun appears.
So, lately I've been typing up a story, knitting, reading new words in the Dictionary, ( did you know joie de vivre means joy in living?) practicing ballet, trying to learn a simple Waltz, and just enjoying the wonderful weather (after all, you can't wear fluffy brown boots in summer :). Today it's super chilly, but right now the sky is so beautiful. I also caught up on my Spanish, finally.
I watched Inside Out last night! My favorite character was......Joy. I love being happy. Anyways I'm thinking about putting my short story the Dusty Middle of Nowhere in a post for you all to read, and doing a vintage barn photo shoot. Well, tomorrow starts the first day of operation Christmas child! Happy Packing! Plus here is some songs that I was really enjoying the other day.
Multiplied Needtobreathe
Your Great Name Natalie Grant
PS: Is anyone excited for Mercy Me's performance coming up at Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade?
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