New COLORED PENCIL trends to try out // Blending, Lettering, intricate eye + Adventures in Art

12:09 PM

For Christmas my Dad bought me those Prismacolor pencils...the amazing ones in the cute commercials. He expected me to do some amazing stuff---so I ended up on Youtube. And for this one half side of a girl's face, I used three different tutorials. Eye, nose, and lips. THESE PEOPLE on Pinterest are AMAZING. I mean (whisper voice) *blown, a-way*.

To be honest, we all have like 5 different versions of drawing (alright okay some of us only know the stick figure) and that can range between realistic to cartoon. So this small post will summarize a piece of the growing styles, my personal faves, and easy ones to enjoy. Their worth a try.

Realistic Intricate

So this was my version of the amazing lips and eyes I've been seeing. Noses are not my thing *silent back round laughter*.
The blending of different colors creates 3D effects. Yes, this took me a long time. I honestly don't remember how long it took me, but it all managed to squeeze in one Saturday.

Rustic Sketch

I'm a doodler. My most frequent victim happens to be my lovely puppy, Sam. He just has such a cartoony-ness and extreme personality about him that makes his adorableness easy to translate into a sketch form. You all, this is definitely one of my the easiest styles of drawing because you NEED to go outside the lines. It has a rustic + vintage twang to it that's shabby and lovable. With this look you gotta keep it simple; the person who's observing fills in the blanks you made with little 'hints' of legs, eyes, etc.

Cartoons with Big Eyes & Blending

Me and my parents had a funny discussion about this one. It was supposed to be a boy (started out as a bunny...) and then it somehow morphed into a girl like %99.5 of all my drawings do. If you see the eyes, they are 3 different blues blended with a blender. If you don't own a blender, you can use a piece of paper towel or your finger. 

Ombre + Lettering

This is a super fun technique; look up a font alphabet, draw the outlines with pencil (I used a mechanical one....*cough* the cool pencil) and then start blending!! It's a blast, and you'll have it forever. It can also be used for greeting cards; everyone enjoys a well lettered card that's actually handmade. I usually letter with my calligraphy set, but these new pencils can create such an ombre appearance that you can capture anything from sky colors to deep sea blues.

Deep Sea Colors-

light aqua to

Peacock blue to


Bible Journaling

This art trend is all over Pinterest!! For my 14th Mum & Dad got me a bible journal. I literally hadn't started really doing art on it till yesterday (guilty face). Bible 'journaling' is so beautiful because not only is it amazing art, but it's scripture. Pens, markers, and other bleeding art utensils honestly aren't as good unless they are made for the thin, see-through pages. Pencils are perfect; you could even use them for highlighting. Please ignore my sloppy letters *rolls eyes*

Were you inspired?

Have you tried any of these?

What is your fave drawing style?

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8 Sticky notes

  1. Ooooh these are so pretty! I always get so inspired when I see art, especially this kind of sketching and watercolor. But... I'm almost the least artistically gifted human to walk the earth. I'm serious. I'll put my hand to things just because I'm inspired to try it out and totally BUTCHER the name of art and beauty xD lol But I still appreciate those who are gifted. My sister is a very good artist, so I let her be the one to *wow* people with her stuff. Me? I'll just draw things for my eyes alone to see... *cringes*


    1. Thank you sa' much *smiles*! Waa?? No way. Basically...these are my good drawings. You all don't see the terrible, embarrassing ones I want to burn. Oh my goodness I have those. You just gotta keep swimming, girl! You can do this!!!
      I've been drawing since I was a wee lassy, so don't let me discourage you ;)

  2. Beautiful job!!! I LOVE the eye on the first picture! It looks SO good!! The whole picture does!! And the doggy? Super cute! And I LOVE the cartoon with big eyes!! She looks kind of vintage to me, which I LOVE!! Seriously, I wish I could draw like this! <3 Beautiful!! :D

    1. Thank you Morgan! Ahhh so do I...hopefully I can get better, tho <333 thanks again, I just love drawing my pooch, he's so 'draw-able'.
      Actually, yes. When I was drawing her I was sorta thinking of the '50's sandlot. I like vintage stuff to. Aww thanky you so much!

  3. THESE PEOPLE on Pinterest are AMAZING. I mean (whisper voice) *blown, a-way*." <<<< MMMMHMMMMM. I DON'T UNDERSTAND IT EITHER. :''') But omg all of your drawings are SO GOOD!! I especially love that lettering GIF. *heart eye emojis* IT IS MESMERIZING. <3

    rock on,

      Aww thanks bunches!!! Ahh I'm legit going to have to make more GIFs 'cause their just SO FUN xD
      Thanks girl!


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