Why it is important to be Modest

4:09 PM

Why is it important to be modest? Why does it matter if we buy a low-necked shirt or not? We are, after all made in the image of God, and to be given respect from others and from ourselves, we go by a certain standard. I have noticed that the Juniors clothing section is not controlled by girls, but by boys. After all, why have we as girls the need to wear absurdly tiny shorts and strap-shirts? Do we need to prove something by barely wearing any clothing? No! Girls are pushed into fitting in and wearing what every other girl is wearing.

But WE can change this. We can start a change. Thee change, for more respect for Women and girls alike, by wearing something a little less revealing and helping our friends to follow our lead. These websites can help strengthen you and show you that you are not alone. 

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10 Sticky notes

  1. I love this post! Keep up the amazing work Mic! :)

    Allie D.

  2. This is so true! like, why should we care...but why should't we? It is really not hard, at times it just takes a little extra work, but like many kinds of work, it is sooooo worth it.

  3. It is worth it! Thanks for following my blog! :D

  4. True!!! I think in this generation its really hard to get that message across too.

  5. it is! But each of us can help by setting a better example.


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