CHANGING BLOG URL! || Read or thou shalt miss future posts

10:06 AM

Here it is simple: I'm changing my blog url (the top address where it says You are currently following that address; you need to follow my new one,, in order to receive new posts from me in your blogger feed.

It's easy; just unfollow, and refollow. Simple as pie. Or cake.
see where it says "FOLLOW THE JOURNEY" and it lists followers? Right under that is the unfollow button. Click that.

a pop-up will come up and here you confirm to unfollow.

Now go back to the same button, and this time it should say "FOLLOW" click that and confirm it.

Super easy, right? Make sure to do it, I don't want to lose any friends! If you are following by email/bloglovin' don't worry about this.
Thanks guys!

Did you unfollow & refollow?

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